Like A Warrior
In a previous post I shared about one of my favourite verses in the whole of the Bible in Psalm 127:4. I talked about how it reminds me that parenting is such a great responsibility, one which demands my full attention and focus. I particularly like the imagery it uses to describe the relationship between a parent and their child. Arrows were seen as a powerful defence against the enemy and whilst I’m not expecting to be attacked by anyone right now, I can grasp the idea of my children being a blessing to me in times of need.
Psalm 127:4 ESV
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.”
Whilst our children are arrows, parents get to assume the role of the warrior - I like the sound of that! Whether you are indeed a parent or simply an adult a little further along in life, this verse tells us we have a significant role to play in the lives of the next generation.
Here are 4 things you should know about warriors;
1. Warriors grow wise through time
Like any great warrior of old learning from past battles, we too can draw on experiences we’ve had in our past to make us wiser in the future. Of course we must learn from past failures and mistakes in order to grow and have something of value to hand down to those coming after us. I like the idea of our mistakes not being there to define us, instead being there to guide us. Every parent and/or adult has valuable wisdom to share - let’s not forget to share it.
Question: Who could benefit from your wisdom?
2. Warriors are watchers over the city
One of a warriors key roles is to protect the city. Whilst the thought of warriors bring to mind images of attack, their first responsibility was to defend their families and city. In the same way, we are called to be a hedge of protection around our family and friends. Warriors are the protectors of the young and provide a land of freedom in which they can roam and grow.
Question: Who are you watching over?
3. Warriors are winners in the battle
The very best warriors always find a way to win! Accepting defeat isn’t an option for a hardened warrior. As a parent I believe my calling is to find a way for my children to win in life. My wife and I are relentless, courageous and formidable when our family is under attack. We find a way to win and set a winning culture for our children (the next generation) to follow.
Question: Who are you teaching the art of winning to?
4. Warriors know their worth
Warriors are not insecure, they know who they are. They have climbed the mountains and descended the valleys of life’s journey. They have seen many highs and experienced too many lows to mention. Through the winds of change we have weathered the storms of insecurity and have settled on who we are in Christ. We know our worth and help those following to see their’s too.
Question: Who are you helping discover their worth?