Make a donation.
Nothing speaks louder than generosity
Give by standing order
If you would like to make a bank transfer or set up a standing order with your bank, simply log on to your internet banking account and use our account details provided. Please remember to use your name as the transaction reference.
If you would like assistance please email
UK Bank Details
Account Name: Home St Albans
Account Number: 72706414
Sort Code: 53-70-11
Reference: (Your name)

UK Gift Aid
If you are a UK Taxpayer you can add Gift Aid to your giving.
Gift Aid is a UK government initiative, where the basic rate of tax you have already paid on your giving is relinquished to the charitable organisation you are giving to.
Donating through Gift Aid means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.It won’t cost you any extra.
E.G. If you give £100 to Home Church, we receive an extra £25 from the government because we are a registered charity at no extra cost to yourself.
Simply complete the declaration below.
The first time you add Gift Aid to your giving, you will need to fill in the Gift Aid declaration form below. From then on Gift Aid is automatically added to your giving.
If you give by standing order, we can also claim gift aid on these amounts. For other electronic forms of giving please make sure you complete the questions regarding gift aid. Also, if you are in a higher income-tax bracket, then you can claim back the tax on your giving which is above the basic rate. You can contact HMRC for guidance on how you can make this claim.
If you would like assistance with regards registering for Gift Aid please email