Like Arrows
One of my favourite verses in the whole of the Bible in Psalm 127:4. It reminds me that parenting is such a great responsibility, one which demands my full attention and focus. I particularly like the imagery it used to describe the relationship between a parent and their child. Arrows were seen as a powerful defence against the enemy and whilst I’m not expecting to be attacked by anyone right now, I can grasp the idea of my children being a blessing to me in times of need.
Psalm 127:4 ESV
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.”
I’ll happily assume the role of the warrior - I like the sound of that! I guess my children are my arrows and I need to handle them with care. In order for my arrows to fly right and reach their destination there are a few things I have to consider. Here are 5 things you should know about arrows;
1. Arrows are as straight as we carve them
The truth is that every arrow begins life as a stick. This stick if crafted, carved and moulded into the arrow it needs to become to fly well when released. In the same way, our children start out as little twigs and it’s our responsibility as parents to shape them into who we’d like them to become. If we don’t, someone else will.
2. Arrows are as safe as the quiver that holds them
Arrows are precious and can be easily damaged if no care it taken to hold them close. In the same way arrows need a comfortable and stable quiver, our homes should provide the same for our children. In reality, the home can become a difficult place when there is conflict or circumstances of life force change upon us. Whatever your home environment is like, do your very best to design a home where your children are safe and protected.
3. Arrows go the way we aim them
Arrows fly in the direction they are pointed. This simple fact can help us understand how important it is to position our children to go in the right direction as they grow older and into adulthood. As parents, the work to guide our children’s character, worldview and values begins early on and requires attention to make constant minor adjustments throughout our parenting journey.
4. Arrows soar as high as we send them
Arrows fly high if we aim high! It’s the same with our children. Helping them to aim high in life begins by speaking words of life over them and helping them to take steps of faith, believing in their abilities. Be a lifter of your children’s head, always cheering them on and encouraging them to dream big dreams.
5. Arrows reach as far as the power that send them
Arrows will only go as far as the power that is found in the bow that stretches as they are released. As a Christian parent, I want my children to be filled with the strength that comes from knowing God and the power of the Holy Spirit. We can only go so far in our own strength, so prepare your children well and fill them up with Godly things - this is what will determine how far they go in life!