
I recently came across an interesting new word “Sharenting” - a portmanteau word derived from “sharing” and “parenting” which caused me some concern.

Over recent years with the rise in popularity of social media I've been sharenting more than most so I paused for a moment to consider whether I was comfortable with it. As my children aren't in a position to grant or deny consent, am I violating their privacy for the sake of a few likes and more followers?

Do I ever ask how they feel about their every moment being shared with the world out there?

I read that in the United States, 34% of kids have a “digital footprint” before they are born because their parents post their scan images online.

Should this worry us?

I'm torn and unsure if sharenting is good, bad or just not a big deal but I'd be interested to hear what you think.....

Are you "sharenting" and how do you feel about it?


My Crazy But Organised Life (part 1)


Parent First, Friend Second