Home Church Statement 

5th June 2020

Jesus hates racism, and so does Home Church. Sadly, over recent years we have heard but not listened, seen but not understood, about race and white privilege. We have been ignorant and oblivious whilst family and friends have been hurting -  and for this we want to say sorry.

There is so much for us to learn as a church family so that we can be a part of the solution and not the problem. It isn't easy trying to explain to our church something that we as leaders barely understand and have been blind to ourselves for so many years - but we can't and won't avoid these difficult conversations.

We've always thought of ourselves as the Good Samaritan but the realisation of late is that perhaps we are the priest or the levite, crossing the road to avoid the issue. We have been in the presence of hurting people and done nothing - we've completely missed what Jesus is saying.

As Home Church family want things to change and are starting with the following;

1. We Are Taking A Position

We are on a journey, we are not there yet, BUT one thing we can do today is take a clear position on racism. Racism is wrong on every level. We are now seeing what we never saw before because our eyes have been opened - silence is not an option.

Racism is not welcome in our HOME

2. We Are Seeking Guidance

We are seeking guidance and doing it quickly. We cannot run blindly into fixing something that so many of us do not yet fully understand.

We will listen and learn about how to tackle racism in our HOME

3. We Are Doing Something

We have a voice and are committed to speaking up as a church family to help educate and eradicate prejudice and racism everywhere. Where the system has given us privilege we will use it.

Pursuing partnerships with organisations that are working to end racism as well as facilitating discussions to listen and learn are just a few of the initiatives we are committed to giving our time to. Action on this social justice issue will be woven into the fabric of who we are as a church.

We are committed to fighting racism inside and outside our HOME

Thank you,

Home Church Leadership Team



Read more about our work for racial equality here…