9 Tips For Parenting Through Lockdown

Right now the UK is in lockdown due to Covid-19 and whilst this provides precious time with our families, it’s a stretch at the same time! If you’re a parent, you know exactly what I mean…..!

So to help you through the coming days and weeks, I’m sharing 9 Tips For Parenting Through Lockdown fresh from the Cherrie House along with some questions to ask yourself;

1. Break the rules, but not every day

Sometimes we can be too strict with our kids. We definitely need to put rules in place, but rules can be broken every now and then in order to create fun moments. We do need to have a routine, but breaking the rules sometimes, shows to our children that their parents are human too! 

Which rule will you break today?

2. Use the time to better understand their personalities

This forced time at home with our kids is so valuable! Why not make the best out of it by getting to know their personalities as well as their love languages? Discovering more about our children has helped us answering to their demands and emotional needs.

Have you taken the love languages quiz yet?

3. Maintain a rhythm to their day

Here’s why this point is of huge importance: when everything suddenly goes back to normal, it will be a shock to their little systems and ours too! Having a rhythm in place will help the whole family transition smoothly into normal. 

What’s your daily rhythm?

4. Gamification is a game-changer

When chores and activities start getting boring, gamify them! This will raise interest, especially if prizes and a little competition are involved.

How can you gamify some chores this week?

5. Release the steam where no-one gets burnt

I have to be honest, I need to find some time alone to let off steam without having my family paying the consequences. So many times my children are in the firing line when my frustration boils over.

Where do you let off steam so your kids don’t get burnt?

6. Get them in their sweet spot

During this time together investigate further, just exactly what they are really good at, and they get them to do more of it! Forcing them to do something they struggle with, will only cause frustration. 

Where do your children excel and can you get them to do more of it?

7. Go back to school yourself

What are we learning in this season about ourselves as parents and, if married, about the way we worked together as spouses? Keeping a teachable spirit is key.

What is one positive lesson you’ve learnt about parenting during this season?

8. Don't compromise on what matters most

In days like the ones we’re living in, I’m sure there are so many things we should compromise on and give in to as a family. Lockdown is giving us the opportunity to realise what our family values really are. Don’t compromise on what is really important for your family. 

What are your core family values?

9. Don't wish away the days because time is short

Living and parenting through lockdown can be so exhausting. We are all looking forward to going back to some kind of normality. We just need to remind ourselves that once we resume normal life, we’ll be busy and on the go again! Let’s enjoy the time we have been given in this moment and make the best memories out of it! 

What’s been your favourite family memory from lockdown so far?




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